Cycling Highwood Pass: Canada's Highest Paved Road Adventure

Highwood Pass, located in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, is not just any ordinary cycling route. This 34-kilometer out-and-back paved ride, stretching from the north winter gate to Highwood Pass, offers an exhilarating and challenging experience for cycling enthusiasts. As Canada's highest paved road, sitting at an impressive elevation of 2,206 meters above sea level, it promises breathtaking views, remarkable uphill climbs, and a thrilling ride back to your starting point. However, it's important to remember that the road is closed for a significant portion of the year due to heavy snowfall and wildlife migration. With careful planning and an adventurous spirit, cycling Highwood Pass becomes an unforgettable road cycling adventure.

The Challenging Uphill Climb: The journey begins at the north winter gate, where cyclists embark on a 17-kilometer uphill climb, gaining a total elevation of approximately 635 meters. The initial stretch offers a gradual ascent, with 3 small recovery dips along the way (remembering these will be little uphill pushes on the way home), allowing riders to warm up their legs and enjoy the surrounding mountain vistas. As you pedal through the pristine wilderness, keep in mind that the weather can change rapidly in the mountains, so it's essential to be prepared with appropriate clothing and gear.

As you approach the final 2 kilometers, the road becomes steeper, presenting the most challenging part of the ride. The incline demands perseverance and mental fortitude, but the sense of achievement upon reaching the summit is unparalleled. Take a moment to catch your breath, marvel at the panoramic views of the rugged peaks and sprawling valleys, and appreciate the awe-inspiring beauty of the Canadian Rockies.

Wildlife Encounters: Highwood Pass is not only a haven for cyclists but also an important wildlife corridor. The road closure during the winter months facilitates the migration of various species, ensuring their safety and minimizing human interference. As you pedal along, keep your eyes peeled for glimpses of wildlife such as elk, bighorn sheep, and even the occasional black bear. Remember to maintain a respectful distance and never approach or disturb the animals. Observing these majestic creatures in their natural habitat adds an element of wonder to the cycling experience.

The Ride Back: After conquering the challenging uphill climb, the return journey provides an opportunity to revel in the thrill of a speedy descent. With gravity on your side, the ride back to your starting point is a joyous and exhilarating experience. Admire the scenic landscapes that seemed like an uphill battle just moments ago as you effortlessly glide down the mountain. However, it's crucial to exercise caution and control your speed, as the road can be winding and there may be other cyclists, wildlife or Alberta Parks vehicles sharing the route.

Tips for a Memorable Adventure:

  1. Assess Your Fitness Level.  Cycling Highwood Pass requires a good level of physical fitness due to the challenging uphill climb and the overall distance of the ride. Before embarking on this adventure, make sure you are adequately prepared and have trained to build the necessary endurance.

  2. Plan your ride during the period before the road opens to vehicles on June 15th. This way, you can fully enjoy the tranquil surroundings without the presence of cars or motorcycles.  Please remember the fact that cyclist are allowed is a privilege that could be revoked if abused so respect the wildlife and pack out everything you brought with you. The outhouses at the trailheads along the way are locked as the area officially is ‘closed’ and are not serviced until the 15th of June so bring a your own toilet paper and baggy & shovel should nature call…

  3. Check weather forecasts and dress in layers to accommodate changing conditions. Remember that mountain weather can be unpredictable, so it's wise to bring a waterproof jacket and warm clothing.

  4. Carry essential safety equipment, including a helmet, repair kit, spare tubes, and a pump. Additionally, bring plenty of water and energy snacks to stay hydrated and fueled throughout the ride.

  5. Respect wildlife and their habitat. Observe from a distance and refrain from littering or leaving any trace of your presence.

  6. Inform a friend or family member about your cycling plans, including your expected route and estimated return time, for safety purposes.

Cycling Highwood Pass is an adventure that showcases the beauty and challenges of Canada's highest paved road. The breathtaking scenery, the sense of accomplishment on reaching the summit, and the thrilling descent all combine to create a truly memorable experience.

*Note:  Starting at the North Gate to Highwood is the most popular route because of the proximity to Calgary but it is ‘short’ and steep.  You can also bike from the South gate coming from Longview which a longer distance (32.5 KM to Highwood pass) but a gentler climb as the vert is stretched out, it’s a total distance of approximately 75 KM as an out and back. The 3rd option is to go gate to gate which would require some logistics with a car drop/ride to one end or the other and would be a total cycling distance of 50 KM, you could start & finish in either direction but would require quite a bit of driving as you’re not ending at your start point. The last option for the ambitious, cycling enthusiasts would be a 100km roundtrip ride from gate to gate and back starting in whichever direction you prefer and I have no advice one this one because I value my sanity ;).


Selling Summits vs. Selling Sunset:  Real Estate IRL vs. What You Binged on Netflix Last Night

The world of real estate has always fascinated us, capturing our imaginations and dreams. With the rise of reality TV shows like "Selling Sunset," we're given a glimpse into the glamorous and drama-filled world of selling high-end properties in Los Angeles. But when it comes to real estate in Canmore, Alberta, the reality is quite different. In this blog post, we'll explore the hopefully obvious disparities between selling real estate in Canmore and the extravagant portrayal seen on "Selling Sunset.

Fashion Styles:  In the glamorous world of "Selling Sunset," fashion takes center stage with high-end designer labels, chic dresses, and tailored suits that match the luxurious properties showcased on the show. However, in Canmore, the fashion scene embodies a unique "mountain professional" vibe. We embrace a practical yet stylish approach, where comfort meets outdoor-inspired fashion. Locals can be seen sporting their "Patagucci" gear, a playful blend of outdoor brands and fashion flair, as they navigate the breathtaking landscapes and engage in the real estate market. It's a fashion style that reflects our appreciation for the natural beauty of the mountains while maintaining a professional appearance.  Did I just come from a listing appointment or hit Horseshoe on my way to the office? And does it really matter?!  So, leave the stilettos behind and opt for Blundstones in the winter or Birkenstocks in the summer as you embrace the Canmore real estate scene.

Market Dynamics and Pricing:  While "Selling Sunset" showcases multi-million dollar properties with jaw-dropping price tags, Canmore's real estate market takes a more down-to-earth approach. Our market dynamics are influenced by factors like local economy, demand, and price. Don't expect extravagant mansions on every street corner; instead, we offer a balance of stunning properties at various price points and regardless of your budget, we’re all here to enjoy the same beautiful backyard that spans the entire Bow Valley.

Clientele and Property Types:  "Selling Sunset" may focus on the rich and famous, but in Canmore, we cater to a diverse range of clients - admittedly this does include celebs from time to time. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer, a family looking for a mountain retreat, or an investor seeking a rental property, we've got you covered. Our local real estate agents embrace versatility and work tirelessly to find the perfect property that suits your unique needs.

Negotiations and Timeframes:  In the world of "Selling Sunset," negotiations seem effortless, with deals closing in a flash. But in Canmore, we believe in taking our time and ensuring every aspect of the transaction is thoroughly examined. Negotiations can be a delicate dance, and closing a deal may take weeks or even months. We're not afraid to put in the time and effort to get the best outcome for our clients. After all, good things come to those who wait (and negotiate).  Not to mention here in CANADA, we are regulated by CANADIAN real estate rules & regulations.  If you would like to learn more about how we do real estate in Canada and Alberta specifically, please feel free to reach out and I can explain the process from start to finish but what you see on “Selling Sunset” does not mean you understand how to buy a house. Once again for those in the back, binging a Netflix show does not earn you a real estate license.

Marketing and Promotion:  While "Selling Sunset" dazzles us with luxury staging and extravagant open houses, Canmore's real estate marketing takes a more practical and cost-conscious approach. We know that a well-crafted listing with professional photos and compelling descriptions can do wonders. We rely on our witty writing skills and online platforms to attract potential buyers, keeping our marketing efforts effective without breaking the bank.  That being said Canmore does have a healthy luxury market which does require a bit more of the glitz and glam to properly showcase your property to the right buyers so make sure you interview local agents with an effective marketing strategy for your specific segment of the market (like Me!).

Professional Dynamics and Drama:  Ah, the drama on "Selling Sunset" is riveting, with personal conflicts and shocking revelations aplenty. But in Canmore, we keep it light-hearted and professional. Our team thrives on cooperation and collaboration, ensuring our clients' satisfaction without the need for a Hollywood-style feud. Drama is reserved for our favorite reality TV shows, not real estate transactions. We prioritize teamwork and a shared goal of delivering exceptional service, leaving the tabloid-worthy tales behind.

Boundaries:  In the fantastical world of "Selling Sunset," agents seem to blur the line between professional and personal, lounging in beds, swimming in pools, and hosting wild parties. But let's be real, in Canmore we understand the importance of discretion and respect your privacy. You won't find us cannonballing into your pool, filming TikToks on your stripper pole or spilling the tea while lounging on your bed. We're here to provide outstanding service, not turn your property into a comedy stage. Our priority is showcasing your property, not ourselves..

Selling real estate in Canmore is a unique adventure, far from the glitz of "Selling Sunset." We bring a down-to-earth approach and a dash of humor, focusing on fair pricing, diverse clients, patient negotiations, and smart marketing. But it's not just about the properties; we also embrace the irresistible mountain town lifestyle. As a Realtor, I walk the walk and live the mountain life, because how can I talk the talk if I don't live it? Together, we'll navigate the Canmore real estate journey with a smile.


Unleashing Potential: An Introvert with Imposter Syndrome in Real Estate

When you picture a Realtor, you often imagine an outgoing extrovert who thrives in social settings and loves networking. But let me set the record straight: I'm a Realtor and I’m an introvert. That doesn’t mean I am shy or a wallflower who can’t hold my own in a social situation. Introverts like me gain energy from alone time, prefer deep conversations over small talk, and bring thoughtfulness to the table. Being an introverted Realtor in an extrovert-dominated world often triggers self-doubt and Imposter Syndrome because I challenge societal expectations, but through introspection and experience, I've discovered that embracing these feelings has actually fueled my personal growth and professional excellence. This positive transformation can be attributed to the following key traits of a person with Imposter Syndrome:

  1. Recognizing My Drive for Perfection: Imposter Syndrome frequently affects realtors who, like me, hold themselves to high standards of perfection. Although it can be overwhelming at times, I now see it as a reflection of my deep commitment to delivering exceptional service and results. Embracing my inner perfectionist allows me to continually refine my skills, go above and beyond for my clients, and strive for excellence in every aspect of my real estate career.

  2. Fostering a Humble and Learning Mindset: Imposter Syndrome keeps me grounded, preventing complacency and nurturing a continuous learning mindset. By questioning my abilities, I remain open to acquiring new knowledge and honing my skills. I've come to appreciate that the real estate industry is ever-evolving, and there is always something new to learn. Embracing the opportunity to seek advice and insights from more experienced colleagues and industry experts has been instrumental in my personal and professional development.

  3. Cultivating Empathy and Compassion: Experiencing Imposter Syndrome as a realtor has made me more empathetic towards clients who may feel overwhelmed by the complexities of buying or selling a property. Understanding the fear and doubt that can arise during such a significant life decision allows me to approach each interaction with compassion and empathy. By sharing my own vulnerabilities and offering support, I strive to create a trusting and supportive environment where clients feel heard and understood.

  4. Embracing a Growth Mindset: Imposter Syndrome has served as a catalyst for adopting a growth mindset within the real estate industry. Instead of viewing setbacks or challenges as signs of incompetence, I now reframe them as valuable learning opportunities. I've embraced the belief that with perseverance, dedication, and continuous improvement, I can overcome obstacles and achieve greater success. A growth mindset empowers me to adapt to changing market conditions, expand my skill set, and become a more effective and confident realtor.

  5. Celebrating My Milestones and Achievements: One common pitfall of Imposter Syndrome is downplaying or dismissing my accomplishments. However, I've realized the importance of recognizing and celebrating my achievements as a realtor. Each successful sale, satisfied client, or positive feedback is a testament to my hard work and expertise. I keep a record of these milestones, no matter how small they may seem, as a reminder of my growth and progress. Celebrating my achievements boosts my confidence, fuels my motivation, and reinforces my belief in my abilities.

Imposter Syndrome may have once been an unwelcome companion on my Realtor journey, but by embracing my strengths as an introvert, I have unlocked my potential for personal growth and professional excellence. I am a Realtor with a calm demeanor, deep listening skills, and a thoughtfully analytical approach, establishing genuine connections with clients to foster trust and understanding throughout their real estate journey.  I seek to work with Clients who appreciate the diverse strengths and qualities that individuals can bring when we break free from the confines of archetypes and revolutionize the real estate industry to create a culture that celebrates authenticity and innovation - that is to say, you’ll never see my face on a urinal cake.


Like the Matterhorn of the Rockies: Stand out above the rest

When beginning the process to list your house for sale, the to-do list can be overwhelming! Decluttering, cleaning, making repairs, and staging the home to make it more attractive to potential buyers, not to mention depending on your circumstances, needing to find a new place to live yourself at the same time.  Think of all the time you've already had to sacrifice getting your property ready to list that could have been better spent on the trails? And you haven't even started actually trying to sell your home yet! The pre-listing stage is where a little sweat equity does really pay off, showing that pride of ownership makes a difference but after that, free yourself of the time & energy of trying to sell your home.

Beyond the time savings & stress management, here are a few other added benefits to working with an Agent:

  1. Sell Remotely: Digital signatures are the norm when buying or selling which allows for everything to be done remotely, which can be especially beneficial for sellers who are not able to physically be present during the sale. This can save time and reduce the need for travel, making the selling process more efficient and convenient.  All you need is to make sure you have reasonably reliable access to email & the occasional phone call/text throughout the listing & sale process.

  2. Stranger Danger:  One of the main benefits of working with a licensed real estate agent instead of attempting to sell a property as a for sale by owner (FSBO) is that the agent will handle all communication and interaction with potential buyers, eliminating the need for the seller to deal with strangers or other people directly. This can reduce stress and potential safety concerns for the seller, while also allowing the agent to use their expertise to screen potential buyers and negotiate on the seller's behalf, removing the personal bias or emotion that can interfere with negotiations when 2 parties have a common goal of completing a real estate transaction but opposing priorities in accomplishing that.

  3. Access to a network of potential buyers: Licensed real estate agents have access to a network of potential buyers, including other agents, which can increase the exposure of your property to a wider audience.

  4. Marketing expertise: Real estate agents have the knowledge and expertise to market your property effectively. They can create professional listings, conduct open houses, and advertise your property on multiple platforms to attract potential buyers.

  5. Price guidance: Real estate agents have access to real-time market data and can provide guidance on pricing your property. This can help you set a realistic price and avoid overpricing, which can deter potential buyers.

  6. Negotiation skills: Real estate agents have experience negotiating with buyers, and can help you get the best possible price for your property.

  7. Legal knowledge: Real estate agents are familiar with the legal requirements involved in selling a property in Alberta. They can help you navigate the paperwork and ensure that all legal requirements are met.

  8. Professional networking: Real estate agents have professional networks that include home inspectors, lawyers, and mortgage brokers. They can refer you to trusted professionals that can help with the sale of your property.

  9. Insurance:  In the event of a problem or dispute, clients can have peace of mind knowing that their Agent has insurance coverage through REIX (Real Estate Insurance Exchange), which can help to resolve the issue and potentially provide compensation if necessary.  The benefit of REIX for clients is that it provides an additional layer of protection and assurance, helping to build trust between the client and agent, and provide a sense of security throughout the transaction process.

While selling a property as for sale by owner can save you money on commission fees, it can also be more challenging and time-consuming. Working with a licensed real estate agent can provide you with many benefits and increase your chances of a successful sale at the best price with current market conditions.

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